So you’re looking to brand your business. Firstly . . . YAY! Congrats to you on this epic next step for your business! Secondly, where the heck do you start?

We all know that running a small business is no piece of cake! You’re juggling so many tasks and responsibilities on a daily basis, and let’s not forget, trying to make it all look pretty on the outside too. That’s where a brand designer comes in!

But before you hire one, there are a few questions you should ask first.

Where to find one?

Before we get into the nitty gritty questions, we will start with the very first step – where do you even find one? Well, lucky for you you happen to have landed on the best of one (and a pretty good one if I do say so myself). If however, you didn’t happen to be on the site of a brand designer, where could you go looking for one?

Social media

Obvious answer but a great one. Design is a visual medium, which makes platforms like Instagram and Pinterest great places to look to find someone you like the style and vibe of.


Online directories (because I’m fairly certain the yellow pages don’t exist anymore) are a great place to narrow your search and find someone in the branding and design space. You can find local directories if you are looking close to home or more global more specific directories e.g. Freelancing Females

Now for the questions . . .

Can I see examples of your previous work?

Just as you’d go to a photographer’s portfolio to see their style before you book, you want to know that your designer is able to achieve the style you are envisioning. Now, some designers or design studios don’t work in a particular style specifically. But I’d still recommend that you look at their body of work beforehand to check that you love the work they have created previously. If you don’t love it, guess what, you’re probably not a right fit for each other.

What would the process look like working with you?

Every designer has a different way of doing things, which is one of the beauties of working with creatives. But it does mean that you want to find someone who has a process you can envision yourself in.

For example, some design studios are very strict about their communication boundaries, using only email and feedback forms to communicate with their clients throughout projects. At Cecile, we are all about open communication and collaboration. Aka. We love a voice note. If you want to hear more about how the process behind working with us stay tuned as we have a post about this coming soon.

So, ask about their timelines, their communication methods, and, if it is relevant, what tools or web-building platforms they work with.

Why is this so important? Because the process of building your brand is just as important as the outcome – it should be enjoyable, fun and exciting.

Do you offer brand strategy?

If you are looking to create a successful brand then brand strategy is just as, if not more important, than your brand design. It allows you to lay the foundations for your brand to properly attract the right people, in the right market, in the right way. Basically, it is the secret sauce to an incredible and long-lasting brand. So if you don’t already have this in place then I recommend choosing a brand designer that offers this before they start the design phase.

Can you talk me through your pricing and payment plan options?

When you are spending thousands on something for your business you want to know ALL the details. And you should. So don’t be afraid to ask this question! Nobody wants surprises when it comes to the bill. Make sure you know exactly what you are paying for, when you are paying for it, and what options you have available.

A great designer will be upfront with you about this.

How will you help me maintain my brand once our project is over?

This is a question I don’t think is asked, talked or even thought about enough. It’s one thing having a soulful strategy and beautiful branding but unless you have the understanding and knowledge to carry you forward you run the risk of not reaching your brand’s potential.

That’s why at Cecile we are so passionate about this part of the branding experience that it is in fact the fourth phase in our signature process You’ll be educated and equipped to implement your brand’s new identity with Cecile by your side, so you can give your business the best chance. Plus, we offer ongoing services specifically for our past clients, so we are here as and when you need us.

Finally, a question to ask yourself . . .

 Am I gelling with this person?

This may sound trivial but you are about to spend thousands of pounds and months of your life working intimately with this person. Do your values align? Do your personalities seem like a good fit? Most importantly, do you trust them? If you feel discomfort on any of these levels then my advice would be to keep looking.

I hope you found this a helpful step in your search for a brand designer and ultimately in your business journey.

If you’d like to know more about our services and how we can help you take your brand to that next level then check out our services and who knows, your search may have come to a swift conclusion.

Have a great day,


Founder, Cecile Creative Studio

I'm Emily

Hey there

Strategist, toddler mum, and founder of Cecile Creative, where we craft brands that captivate hearts and minds. So whether your starting your journey or levelling up to your dream brand we are here to help you expand whats possible.

Want to learn more?


free resources

The Ultimate
brand Audit


The Ultimate Brand Audit

Packed with value to guide you through a comprehensive assessment of your brand, highlighting your strengths and uncovering areas for improvement and growth to help you have the next right step.